Yubecca organized casino night on August 3. The bar was converted into a casino, and everyone was given some play money, and could buy more if they wanted to. At midnight the games stopped and there was an auction where we could buy stuff with our play winnings. It was an excellent night, probably the most successful party of the winter.

Before the gaming started there was a wonderful buffet dinner.

Some people dressed up for the evening. Andrea is wearing her silk blouse that everyone likes to touch, while Meghan (Marge) went for the full costume.

Jed, sporting the Mohawk, tended bar for the evening.

DA as the black jack dealer.

The poker table kept these folks busy most of the night, and caused some heated debates.

Of course, everyone's favorite date, Melinda, was joining the guys at the poker table. She was hitting the bottle pretty hard that night.

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Page created 13 October 2001, Last updated 13 October 2001 14:14 New Zealand Daylight Time.